BRMS Grade 6
Social Studies
Teacher: Ashley Weeks Email: [email protected]
The purpose of this class is for all students to develop a deep understanding related to the world around them.
The objectives included in this class deal with history, geography, economics, civics and culture from a diverse, global perspective.
Units of study include the Social Studies Standards, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Students engage in projects and activities that require them to apply social studies skills in real-world contexts.
This course is aligned with:
South Kingstown Social Studies Curriculum
National Social Studies Standards
Rhode Island Grade Span Expectations for Civics & Government and Historical Perspectives
GRADING: One letter grade per quarter (A,B,C,D,F) based on the following:
Quizzes Tests Projects Written Responses
For projects, students and teachers will use rubrics, criteria sheets, and/or checklists to guide and assess performance as compared to the standards.
2 pocket folder, computer, planner and a positive, respectful attitude.
Students are expected to respect themselves and others.
Students are expected to participate in class discussions and activities.
I expect all of my students to succeed and will do what it takes to help achieve this.
World Explorer Textbook Series
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Working together, we can ensure the success of your student.