Sharon Pyne is a nurse at Broad Rock Middle School in South Kingstown Rhode Island. She will be formally recognized as Rhode Island’s School Nurse of the Year by the Rhode Island School Nurse Teachers Association. This honor is bestowed upon one nurse educator a year and we are so proud of the hard work Sharon is doing at Broad Rock Middle School.
Nurse Pyne has been an outstanding School Nurse Teacher for South Kingstown schools for the past 21 years. While Nurse Pyne has spent most of her time working with middle school students and staff at BRMS and CCMS, she has worked at every school in SK, including SKIP Preschool, and the former Independent Transition Academy working with 18-21 year old students. Nurse Pyne is currently the South Kingstown District Nurse Coordinator, and has also been the SK Kindergarten Medical Coordinator for the past ten years.
Before Nurse Pyne became a School Nurse Teacher, she worked as a Nurse for many years in an inner city Emergency Room. When asked why she decided to become a School Nurse Teacher, she explained that she has always been interested in the health aspect of schools and Health curriculum. She enjoyed teaching Health classes and Life Skills to 18-21 year old students at the Independent Transition Academy, where she created the Healthy Lifestyles curriculum. In addition to helping students to stay healthy and safe, Nurse Pyne enjoys spending time with friends and going to the beach.
According to Michelle Iaconi the President of the Rhode Island School Nurse Teachers Association Sharon “embodies our mission by being a leading expert in school health for your district and advocacy to your school”. Michelle goes on to mention that Sharon will be recognized at the Crowne Plaza during their Professional Development on March 21st and will be granted a year membership to the RICSNTA/NASN. She will also be recognized at Waterfire in Providence, Rhode Island in the fall at a ceremony dedicated to highlighting educators across the state.
In addition, in Orlando Florida at the National Association of Nurses Conference Sharon will be recognized as an Affiliate School Nurse of the Year.
We are so proud of the work Sharon Pyne has accomplished throughout her career here in the South Kingstown School District and are excited to see her recognized by her peers in the RICSNTA.
About South Kingstown School District
South Kingstown School District is a proud Professional Learning Community built upon collaborative leadership and 21st-century deep learning competencies while developing a culture of equity, openness, and sharing of ideas.